27 Jan UKS2 Homework Winners
Even more winners! ...
Even more winners! ...
Southwold and Orchard school bikes getting some much needed TLC. The first step in turning our old school bikes into a long term bike loan scheme for the Federation. [gallery ids="2872,2871"]...
Last week we celebrated our holiday homework winners. All children who participated received certificates and our winners were celebrated in assembly. Thank you to all families who got involved and supported the children in researching their new topic! #lovelearning...
Last week Year One went on an exciting trip to the V&A Museum of Childhood. This was to enrich our learning on our new topic of toys through time. The children enjoyed learning about how toys have changed and how to compare the different materials...
[gallery ids="2856,2857"] Reception went on a local walk to Well Street. The children wrote letters to their families during the week and posted them home on the walk. They also went to the bakery and Tesco to buy ingredients for sandwiches, which they made in the...
Year 2 have been learning about William Morris and the technique of printing. They used Morris's designs as inspiration to create their own printing tiles. They then created a repeated print of our design using contrasting colours. [gallery ids="2851,2852,2853"]...
Year 5 visited the Tower of London to deepen their understanding of Tudor History and the development of the monarchy. They saw different historical sources including texts, artifacts and even the Crown Jewels, as well as receiving a workshop from 'Francis Bryan', one of Henry...
Lots of Nursery and Reception parents attended the 'fine motor skills' coffee morning. They discovered new and engaging activities to support their child's fine motor development and fluency and precision when forming letters. They then had the chance to visit their child's classroom to enjoy...
[gallery ids="2831,2832"] Our Digital leaders delivered a powerful message to parents about the importance of eSafety in our coffee morning. They spoke about the importance of staying SMART online....
The NSPCC led assemblies on Keeping Safe for Years 1-6 as part of their Speak Out; Stay Safe Programme. The children learned strategies for verbalising concerns and knowing that they should speak to a trusted adult. Year 5 then took part in workshops exploring the...