10 Nov Music Scholarship!
Congratulations to our Year 6 star who has been awarded a four year scholarship from the London Music Fund. We are all extremely proud of his musical achievements! [gallery ids="5963,5965,5962"]...
Congratulations to our Year 6 star who has been awarded a four year scholarship from the London Music Fund. We are all extremely proud of his musical achievements! [gallery ids="5963,5965,5962"]...
We have again received the Gold Travel Stars Award at Orchard Primary School. We are again in the top 10% of London schools, setting high standards in transforming travel habits, engaging the wider community and ensuring a sustained reduction in the number of journeys made to...
We were delighted to welcome our significant males into school again this week to join in with learning alongside the children. There were a range of practical activities taking place from vocabulary exploration to practical maths. Thank you for joining us! [gallery ids="5699,5698,5697"]...
This week Reception have been engaging in a range of activities which explore the different things they like and enjoy doing, based around the core text ‘Things I Like’. The children have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their classmates interests, which has supported the children to build...
Our Junior Road Safety Officers attended a training event at The Round Chapel. They learnt more about their new roles and had time to plan ideas for promoting road safety in our school. They also took part in a range of interactive activities, including learning...
Year 1 had a lovely visit from the Gardening Team. The children learnt about the different parts of a plant and played a fun game sorting and identifying a selection of fruits and vegetables. The children also planted their our own seeds to grow in...
This week in Year 5 we have been using dienes and place value to add number and solidify our knowledge #fluency #reasoning #problem solving ...
Year 2 created their own poetry. The children were able to identify adventurous verbs, interesting adjectives and recognise rhyming couplets and repetition. They used all of this knowledge to write their own shape poem based on the Fire of London - look out for them on...
Year 4 enjoyed their trip to the British museum, where they explored the different aspects of life in ancient Greece through a range of interactive activities. The ideas and achievements of the ancient Greeks changed their world and still affect us today. Children have been...
Last week our Deputy Headteacher attended the IQM Awards to receive our re-accreditation for the Flagship Inclusion Award (iqmaward). This is the third time we have been awarded the prestigious Flagship Status - well done Orchard!...