The children in KS1 and EYFS have been enjoying the sunshine and experiencing outdoor learning. [gallery ids="8373,8371,8372"] ...
Science Day was a huge success and ended in a wonderful celebration of the experiments undertaken across the day, all linked to the Harry potter theme! [gallery ids="8336,8332,8330,8329,8328,8327,8326,8325"]...
The Eco Teams from Orchard, Hoxton Garden and Southwold met up to discuss Eco issues and what each school is doing to help create a more eco friendly environment. They shared many successes and set targets for the Summer term. Each Eco Team is working...
Year 5 are enjoying cycling this term and are learning the basic skills of riding a bike. Children report greater independence, more confidence and they can talk about the positive reasons for cycling over other forms of transport! [gallery ids="7684,7686,7687,7688,7689"] ...
A huge congratulations to our Debate Team who successfully participated in last month's League competition. They are currently tenth in the National Primary Urban Debate League Top 50%. They are currently preparing for round 2. [gallery ids="7678,7679"]...
The resident gardeners visited Year 2 this week and all children took part in a workshop. The children were able to draw upon their knowledge of their science unit last half term, Plants, to dissect a lily and name the different parts. [gallery ids="7674,7675"]...
In Literacy this week Year 2 have been reading the text Crown: An Ode to a Fresh Cut. Inspired by the book, they have planned their own transformation stories. To prepare for their final writing outcome, children told their story to a partner. They have...
As part of World Book Day the Head Librarians organised a book swap. Children brought in books that they have enjoyed and would recommend to others and exchanged it for a book swap token. These books were then sorted by the librarians into age categories...
Children in Year 2 took part in a special World Book Day workshop run by the publishing house, Penguin. They read the story Charlie Changes into a Chicken, discussed transformation and designed a book cover to engage readers. Each child took a copy of the...